Microsoft Mesh

Microsoft Mesh is a new platform developed by Microsoft that utilizes many of the different types of devices and technology of the metaverse. This includes Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and even normal headsets and laptops.

Mesh enables teams to connect and collaborate with a feeling a presence through personalized avatars and immersive spaces, while fostering creativity and seamless connections within a new generation of 2D and 3D meeting experiences.

The latest version of Mesh brings together a range of innovative technologies including the world’s largest avatar library, AI powered personas, real-time character animation, and a new approach to room design that allows you to build rooms like never before.

The platform combines three key components: Azure Sphere, Microsoft HoloLens 2 and Windows Mixed Reality.

Azure Sphere is a secure computing device built on ARM processors, similar to what Huawei used in its MateBook X Pro laptop. It includes a Linux operating system and supports both cloud and local processing. HoloLens 2 is Microsoft’s second generation headset, which features a larger display and improved optics. Windows Mixed Reality is a software development kit that enables developers to build apps for headsets such as HoloLens 2 and Oculus Rift S.

Is Microsoft Mesh the future of meetings? 

HoloLens 2

Apps, Services, and Solutions for HoloLens 2 | Microsoft HoloLens

The second version of Microsoft’s augmented reality headset, HoloLens 2, is now shipping to developers worldwide. The device features a faster processor, improved optics, and a wider field of view. In addition to being able to see what you are working on, HoloLens 2 allows you to interact with objects in real time and even control digital devices like computers and phones.

HoloLens 2 is designed specifically for enterprises, allowing workers to access data stored on remote servers while wearing the headset. This makes it easier to collaborate across multiple locations and tasks. With HoloLens 2, IT administrators can easily manage virtual desktops and network connections, making it easy to deploy apps and connect to corporate networks.

While expensive, the HoloLens is the first Augmented Reality headset that is making waves in the professional and industrial world. In fact, the US Army has partnered with Microsoft and ordered its first batch of HoloLens goggles after successful tests.

While it is being adopted in the professional space, it is quite pricy. The most basic HoloLens 2 model will cost $3,500, with more durable and industrial models costing almost $5,200.That being said, Microsoft Mesh does not require HoloLens 2 in order to be used.

Microsoft Avatars

We have discussed how Microsoft is utilizing virtual avatars for its new Microsoft Mesh program. These avatars are customizable and can be used in any type of meeting or conference. They are also very useful when it comes to training employees, especially if they are located in different parts of the globe.

Avatars can be created using Microsoft’s own Avatar Builder tool. You can create your own avatar from scratch or use one of the pre-made templates. Once an avatar is ready, it could be used both in Teams and Microsoft’s Virtual Reality Mesh program. This feature is currently only available in beta form but we expect it to become widely available soon.

Mesh for Microsoft Teams

After the global pandemic, remote work became pretty much the norm. Many companies are now offering either hybrid or completely remote roles- something that has not been seen on this scale before. Not only that, but remote work is more efficient than anyone ever imagined before. 

However, there are some aspects of in-office work that is missing from remote work. Much is lost in translation over video- however Mesh tries to solve for that.

According to Microsoft, Mesh plans on utilizing mixed-reality features and capabilities to allow people to collaborate and share holographic experiences, even when in different locations. This means more than just sharing your screen on a Teams meeting- it is a complete mixed reality experience. 

In other words, you can walk around a room and see all the participants in a meeting as well as their screens. It is a lot less awkward than trying to explain things to someone who is looking at a computer screen.

This technology is still in development so it is not yet available to everyone. However, Microsoft is planning on releasing a preview version in Q2 2022. 

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